
Showing posts from August, 2010

Oh the Tragedy!

Why don't I write another blog in a timely fashion?!! Because I'm convinced that no one would read this! Yes I'm a cynic at heart. And yes, I have no idea who reads this or what repercussions it may have so I should easily dismiss myself. I'm told that the deepest cynic is the greatest idealist. That about describes me...grasping for great things: big love, big ideas, big dreams...everything I invest myself in has to have some sort of GRAND purpose it seems, or I just become bored with it. And when my GRAND ideas run into the wall of everyday circumstance (ie, pragmatism) I get frustrated, give up, retreat into cynicism. Sound familiar anyone? (I know I'm not alone...) Needless to say, it's these kind of psychological inner workings that impede my progress in making music. Recordings require me to really think hard about what I'm singing, how I'm singing it and getting a good take. I can embed myself in the meticulous craft for a few hours but th...